I never finished my story of my endless summer in Europe because it went by too quickly and with so much detail. Here's the rundown after I returned from Germany.
• became close with the otter Intrax interns from around the US. Sad I met them so late in the trip and actually got closest by the end.
• went to Toledo once more to visit family friends and they took me to a Spanish royal park and "castle" located between Madrid and Toledo
• I stopped working at Forocio the Tuesday before departing Europe because was really slow and I wanted explore the places I didn't get the chance to go to.
• also there was a Japanese intern who worked with us for about a week an then blatantly told the owners that it was borin and sh was finding another place to intern. She was weird because she didn't like to travel nor was she open to new things (and she's interning abroad and learned a foreign language?!)
• bought last minute presents and souvenirs of course!
All in all, it was an amazing experience. It had it's ups and downs, but definitely unforgettable. I made so many international connections and traveled so much in one summer. I know this will look great on a resume and be a fantastic talking point in both my professional and personal life.
Ps. Exchange rate was terrible = broke for my jr year at Pitt :)
You know where to check out albums for photos on my Facebook!