This restaurant was in an area between Sol and closer towards Huertas, right by Plaza Santa Ana. Great location. So afterwards, my coworker and other intern and their friends were meeting in Sol by this bear, where many bar crawls begin. It was my first barcrawl AND it was in Madrid :) Vy joined and she even told she had a lot of fun. I loved being shown all of these cool new places to go to!

Saturday - Went to the zoo with my coworker and her Puerto Rican friends that attended a Forocio trip to Lisbon. Great group of kids and so much fun! We totally went randomly, we were just planning on hanging out ni a park reading, studying for finals, listening to music, and picnic-ing. The zoo is in the park Casa de Campo, which is enormous and you can see the theme park from there! I also found out there is a WB attractions park in Madrid! (I am so going.) Here you can see my zoo pictures. I hope to load a few videos from the dolphin show, which was fantastic by the way, and have them on Facebook. The zoo wore me out so much, that I stayed in the rest of the evening and went to bed relatively early for a weekend in Madrid.
Sunday - Went to el Rastro, the flea market that opens only on Sundays from 10:30-2:30 and got myself a Spanish leather shoulder purse! I needed a bigger and shoulder hanging purse for this trip. I brought just a small crossbody bag, but I definitely would like to carry around a water bottle or a book in my bag sometimes! Spanish leather is amazing, and it was one of my goals to get a leathergood before I leave Spain. The other goal is to purchase a Mallorica pearl something. They have the best Mallorcan pearls here, too! I bought both items when I went to Mallorca four years ago. Best purchases ever. After the Rastro, I made lunch, and layed out in the park for about 2.5 hours and got an amazing tan in that short amount of time! I had to go to the fountain to dip my feet in though, it was reaching mid-80's and clear skies, so that sun was strong! Not humid though! Can't wait to do more laying our by the fountain in el Parque del Oeste. When it gets breezy, the water mists over and it feels amazing. I love it, the park is going to be one of the biggest things I am going to miss about living here.
Today starts workweek numero tres!
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