➡ Read all the books you've been piling up to read in your spare time
➡ Get a summer income (aka get a job, forreal though)
➡ Watch all the movies and TV shows you've been meaning to get into to
➡ Read the news, educate yourself especially about a topic you really don't understand
➡ Workout, work hard for that summer bod
➡ Get a nice tan and hopefully it'll last until October
And most importantly,
➡ Travel! Go where you want, when you can.
Although I may have finished my academia part of life for now, it doesn't mean I want to stop learning. I want to continue to educate myself with topics of interest and really honing my skills. Perfect example? Writing this blog. Social media is absolutely nothing with a little sharing, a lot of engagement, and a dash of self-taught basics about what people want to read. Go out and pick up a new hobby, apply to a million jobs, lose those pesky 5 pounds, or simply go outside and enjoy the warmer weather & sunshine by yourself or with your friends. The simple things in life can really do a lot for those unhappy days. [I need to keep convincing myself of my own advice when I'm really feeling down]
Peace, love, & happiness
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