Life's Little Luxuries

Life's Little Luxuries

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Into the summer

So going into summer break you usually have a list of to-do's, and for me, I didn't realize post-grad meant there are no more "summer breaks" - horrifying realization, really. Well, I'm only 3 weeks out and my motivation is losing steam, but I do hope by sharing mine with you, you will go out and write yours down to try and accomplish it. Nothing feels better than crossing an item off of a list. This is mine, yet I am fearful I will not be able to accomplish all of it by the time the fall comes around and kills all of my motivation. Yours may or may not be similar to this, or it may just inspire you: 

➡ Read all the books you've been piling up to read in your spare time 
➡ Get a summer income (aka get a job, forreal though) 
➡ Watch all the movies and TV shows you've been meaning to get into to
➡ Read the news, educate yourself especially about a topic you really don't understand 
➡ Workout, work hard for that summer bod
➡ Get a nice tan and hopefully it'll last until October 
And most importantly,
➡ Travel! Go where you want, when you can. 

Although I may have finished my academia part of life for now, it doesn't mean I want to stop learning. I want to continue to educate myself with topics of interest and really honing my skills. Perfect example? Writing this blog. Social media is absolutely nothing with a little sharing, a lot of engagement, and a dash of self-taught basics about what people want to read. Go out and pick up a new hobby, apply to a million jobs, lose those pesky 5 pounds, or simply go outside and enjoy the warmer weather & sunshine by yourself or with your friends. The simple things in life can really do a lot for those unhappy days. [I need to keep convincing myself of my own advice when I'm really feeling down]

Peace, love, & happiness

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